feel better. get better. live better.
The Natural Treatment

We Specialize in Treating COPD and Chronic Lung Disease Patients
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is used to describe a variety of conditions, such as Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema, Pulmonary Fibrosis, and Sarcoidosis. These conditions involve inflammation or damage to the lungs that limit their ability to supply the body with oxygen. Usually these conditions are progressive, meaning that they get worse over time. According to the American Lung Association, approximately 14 million Americans have been diagnosed with COPD, but millions more may have the disease without knowing it.
COPD, is a common condition here in Orlando, and in Florida in general, affecting about 1 in 10 Floridians. Chronic inflammatory lung disease may be the result of smoking, exposure to toxins, chronic bronchitis, or other causes.
How is COPD Diagnosed and Monitored
COPD is diagnosed with spirometry and pulse oximetry testing. Spirometry is a very easy breathing test where the patient blows into a tube. The spirometer measures the volume of air moved by the lungs.
Pulse oximetry testing is a noninvasive method for measuring the amount of oxygen in the blood.
A 6 minute walk test is another assessment used with COPD patients to determine a baseline measurement of stamina.
COPD Stages
There are four stages of COPD which are defined by the amount or volume of air a person breathes out in the first second of forced exhalation.
In Stage I, COPD is considered mild and a person may not be aware that lung function is beginning to decline.
In Stage II, considered moderate, you may notice shortness of breath during/after physical exertion as symptoms outlined above progress.
In Stage III, considered severe COPD, exacerbations are common and shortness of breath continues to worsen. Exacerbations are flare-ups characterized by tightness in the chest and extreme shortness of breath; in some cases it may be necessary to use a bronchodilator inhaler or other fast-acting treatment.
In Stage IV, considered extremely severe, exacerbations may be life-threatening and your quality of life may suffer greatly.
A 2017 study from the New England Journal of Medicine stresses the importance of early treatment of COPD. This research found that, over time, those living with even stage 1 COPD who were treated early had better outcomes than those who delayed treatment.
For patients with complications
TCM views the body as one whole unit based on the five element theory. The lung structure and function can affect other organs and at the same time, other organs can also affect the lungs. Many late stage chronic lung disease patients may develop complications such as:
congestive heart failure
extreme edema
lung infections
digestive tract issues
These complications can be the result of the chronic lung disease, however, lots of those complications may also worsen the lung condition.
If you have any of these complications or any other complications please fill out this patient profile form before your consultation with Dr. Barnett.

Approaches Dr. Barnett Utilizes:
Comprehensive History
Medical history is done to assess co-factors or other conditions that may contribute to COPD symptoms and affect treatment
Physical Exam & Lung Function Assessment
Clinical exam of Chest and lungs
Pulse Oximetry
Walk test
Lab Testing
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel is done to evaluate systemic health
Review of existing lab work by our medical staff is also available
Acupuncture has been shown to improve symptoms of COPD
We use distal Acupuncture so the treatments are painless and easy
Gaso-Transmitter Therapy
Gasotransmitters are neurotransmitters in the form of a gas. These substances, like Nitrous Oxide, are important for inflammation and immune response.
This therapy involves simple breathing exercises, and can be done at home.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
The herbal supplements prescribed are an exceptionally high grade
The herbs can work together with your existing prescription medications
Highlighted Herbs in the Therapy
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.